Monday, September 12, 2016

Gods creation

Melanin ..... We are blessed with it for more than one reason.. deep  or light or between God gave it for more than appearances vanity .. Each shade  touched and created by the designer the artist of more than dreams ...with love and care vision of many in a land of plenty that would be grateful ...caring and loving of self the land and others.. Thanking him our creator for our difference's our uniqueness in appearance... Our diversity ..and combining them to up hold his laws his ways that we raise multiply as his children the human race giving back by taking care of each other the land that God or creator so thoughtfully designed and created.
Don't let the hair color full ya.. I'm more than my hair, I'm taller my  height, my heart is larger than my frame  my eyes see more than I speak I hear and listen to MRE than I repeat..I am a woman a survivor story not all are worthy to know... What I share is God given as my life and my presence as yours a gift God gave us to share shin and Illuminate as we are him he is us..we are one made  trillions of lights that if we come together we'd light the world like the sun of the day and moon and stars at night all in his honor for the love of his name. #DeanaMarie
#LetsIlluminate🌞🌟 And #LetsMakeItGreat🌞🌟