Saturday, February 20, 2016

With sand between her toes

With sand between her toes ... The sun set and all she could feel was the the thunder in her chest as she held back the rain as the waves came in  the sky the ocean became one and like lighting striking deep ..piercing her soul...the thoughts the feelings  she let them flow...
the thunder stopped... With sand between her toes she walked forward ..turn looking out the stars where like glitter the ocean a soothing melody ...with sand in her toes the evening became night all will be fine..sand in her toes stars in the sky waves coming in the moon glowing  ....the storms of life they come but don't last long  as long as we walk forward not becoming apart of the storm but walking through it  feeling it like sand in our toes allowing the storm run its course the waves to arise . ..forward are our foot steps feeling the sand in our toes grateful for its blessings.
#LetsIlluminate 🌟

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