Sunday, January 3, 2016

Grateful for this day

Good morning everyone, enjoy this blessed day God has given us
#LetsIlluminate make it great🌞
#morningface #nofilter etc etc its just dark as a cave in my room like i like it😊 #TheLioness cave. 48 yes young& loving it cause the mind body soul is destined to get better. Feeling better now about life self than when I was 20 and that's real because back then I thought I knew but really I was only born with the knowledge of just a bit of what has come to light in life. God is great. Excited about life, not because I'm perfect or my life is perfect but because I'm blessed to be and have been given the gift of life time a loving heart able mind and body eyes to see ears to hear and a joyful heart and willing to make more dreams unfold big and small visions and dreams as long as we have those and ask for guidance and reach for them we have a life to live and will live it love and appreciate being.
Setting standards for self and others to live out my what my seem to others a simple dream... Simplicity is what a peace, life of loving living giving learning applying what I've learn seeking wisdom, sharing moving enjoying smiling working towards doing the things i love, setting an example that my son can be proud of learn from use to become a strong King... remembering laughing becoming better wiser each day more than the day before This is what i love this is what excites me singing and dancing in the sun and rain warm with his love on the cold days... Thankful always like a soft breeze against my face on a hot and humid day;this is what life is means at this point of my journey ..positive out look  positive starts a positive vibes only starting the new year, this blessed day going into this first week of the year.  No worries no fears paying no mind to those and what don't fit into the walk and the journey that I am on Only letting positive engery and those that appreciate it want to receive it and give it back near. A great start I wish for all and throughout this new year❤ enjoy the small things Go for the big dreams surround yourself with only positive uplifting people believe in you~ #DeanaMarie

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