Wednesday, July 29, 2015

How dare she still flourish love and grow dare she the woman of color how dare the black woman dare the african american woman how dare she be still standing tall firm and beautiful how dare she be the Goddess she was born to be how dare she

This is truth ..doesn't matter if it makes you uncomfortable or not it is #Truth this post inspired me to write this and thinking of women in my life growing up today's woman and myself. "How dare she still flourish ...still grow unwatered how dare she"
Strength scares those who are weak combine that with passion beauty and being unique and fear turns to envy and hatred of how dare she be different be unloved told she must change to fit in just to play nice and allow disrepect to move forward to be accept for a moment or to date she must allow this and not speak up take a stand... still stand strong with her head held high how dare she speak out against the wrongs this word has done and the hate directed towards her for so very long not looking at her as an individual a human a woman but as an object to only be seen not heard most times but dissected picked apart if she doesn't play nice or if she is just understood how dare she be educated or seek to be... be different be attractive andlove herself  and others how dare she. Hmmmph mmmmhmmm Yeah how dare she, how dare I... how dare we still flourish and grow unwatered unloved and still love and be beauty.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

When we look through the looking glass what do we see ... Does it really matter to any that the image we see is only temporary what we and others see is not exactly the same... looking through the looking glass we should see all that we are is more than what reflects from the looking glass...what is looking back or others see that which the mind is ready for... Its only a portion of what most will see...looking through your looking glass what do you see.. We simply need to see beneath the surface... we are all different yet the same when our minds become open.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

On this day

On this day you slipped away.. On this day I won't dwell on the pain but the happiness  the joy you voice your eyes your smile your presence bought to my life the blessings the time the love you gave me I can never forget I can't help but wonder if four days before this day Two years ago had I not said to you if you are ready its OK I will be OK we the family will be OK if God had to take back home to relieve you of pain..would you have held on if I couldn't let go the,sigh of relief in you voice almost at peace then you ask me to repeat what I had said I did you said OK baby I love you hugs and a kiss... I knew in my heart it would soon but didn't hurt anyless.. God whispered to me he needed you back home soon I hadnt any ideal that day would be today two years ago this day.. Together again you stand without pain mama with dear family and friends and I'm keeping my promise to you its hard but yes Gods love your love my sons and knowing you are OK makes me too make through and be OK this day. ~#DeanaMarie Marie Marie as you and grandma would say ...your baby girl.. the Lioness
#Jaheim - #BackTogetherAgain - #music by @sounds_app


One of the few photos we have of you Mom 😊 a rarity that anyone would be able to snap a picture of you willing to give us a moment to keep. Missing you every day but yes I am OK and will be better each day but never will my heart be the same til I see your smile again. I will always have snap shots in my mind of you this way even the last time I saw you when you knew you would be going away but me to stubborn too accept it.. you smiled and said for you I will try to stay as long as can I'm sorry baby just be happy . A mother's heart and love a daughters heart and love but that time we had was precious 2 months later you ask me to let go.. I did for that time it was just to much pain for you mom to stay and bare. Rest in heaven you are at peace.. I still feel your sweet spirit with me still you are near. The long battle you fought and earned your wings like the Goddess you are you will remain in my heart and mind loving words of my  greatest teacher sweet and hard when need be.. always mom sweet are the memories #DeanaMarie
This day and everyday I remember you mom.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

The thoughts tho... Me yesterday just not wanting to write what my heart echo's my brain tells it knows better about this I know better about this...this type of thing.
Every time I close eyes you appear... Its your voice my name I hear.. when I awake its you that I just can't shake your name echoing... your face its you  I see standing behind me your reflection pulling me in to a sweet dream not able to awake from it I live for the tenderness of it .. your sweet kiss on my neck not a day dream but magnetically we connect.. Each breath in anticipation of it.. throughout my day in my thoughts out of no where daily its you I can pin point the first time I shook it off without a clue ... My thoughts it you in'em...some how my heart whole heart doesn't reside in me a part of it found its way to you ... I think if I were to ask for it to come back that part of me would turn cold so why even ask to have it back.. that part of me, that part of my heart found its way to you.~DeanaMarie  if you read this and feel your heart in a different way it is because you now have yours and mine beating inside you.❤ #BabyGrlDMarie
#poetry #Prose #SpokenWord
#PoeticandLyrical #PoetryIsInMotion the poets heart is in this moment that words come from the heart or from another day time and place only my heart and the other can either way yay or nay ... But my lips these lips on this at this time are sealed 😊❤