Wednesday, July 29, 2015

How dare she still flourish love and grow dare she the woman of color how dare the black woman dare the african american woman how dare she be still standing tall firm and beautiful how dare she be the Goddess she was born to be how dare she

This is truth ..doesn't matter if it makes you uncomfortable or not it is #Truth this post inspired me to write this and thinking of women in my life growing up today's woman and myself. "How dare she still flourish ...still grow unwatered how dare she"
Strength scares those who are weak combine that with passion beauty and being unique and fear turns to envy and hatred of how dare she be different be unloved told she must change to fit in just to play nice and allow disrepect to move forward to be accept for a moment or to date she must allow this and not speak up take a stand... still stand strong with her head held high how dare she speak out against the wrongs this word has done and the hate directed towards her for so very long not looking at her as an individual a human a woman but as an object to only be seen not heard most times but dissected picked apart if she doesn't play nice or if she is just understood how dare she be educated or seek to be... be different be attractive andlove herself  and others how dare she. Hmmmph mmmmhmmm Yeah how dare she, how dare I... how dare we still flourish and grow unwatered unloved and still love and be beauty.

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